
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Theoloog - Christen - Tijdgenoot

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19 januari 2024


Dutch Language Section


Anna van Burenstraat 1, 3136 CE Vlaardingen, The Netherlands,Tel. 31-10-4751200,


The Dutch Language Section of the International Bonhoeffer Society is a nonprofit, ecumenical, and interfaith scholarly organization to preserve the memory and enhance the knowledge of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his legacy.


It was founded on march 28th 1977, after the American- (1971) en German- (1972) sections where founded. The initiative was taken by prof.dr. J. Sperna Weiland, prof.dr.G.Th.Rothuizen, dr.G.van Roon en dr.H.D. van Hoogstraten.

The Dutch name of the section is Bonhoeffer Werkgezelschap Nederlandstalig, in German: Bonhoeffer arbeitsgeselschaft in English: Bonhoeffer Working Society. This means that we “work” with Bonhoeffer.

The way we “work” with Bonhoeffer can be described as honouring him and at the same time criticise him. We don’t want to make him a St. Bonhoeffer. On the other hand: he inspires us in our work.


At the moment we have about 50 members.  The Dutch Language Section often participates in International Bonhoeffer congresses and other International Bonhoeffer meetings aswell as in the preparation of these



In 1985, in cooperation with the British section, we organised a conference in Sydenham, London. Special guests there where Eberhard and Renate Bethge and Jean Laserre.


In 1988 we organised the 5th International Bonhoeffer Congress in Amsterdam. I guess some of you have been there and I hope you’ll have a good rememberance on that. The theme of that conference was (in Dutch) “Bonhoeffer en het avondland”. The congress-volumn was later presented with the name of “Bonhoeffers ethics; Old Europe and New Frontiers.”


In 1995, 50 years after the death of Bonhoeffer, together with the Theological University of Kampen and the IKON, a Dutch radio en TV- organisation, we organised a meeting in Kampen, Holland. Special guests there where dr. Beyers Naude from South Africa and dr. Konrad Raiser, secretary general of the World Council of Churches that time.


In 1996 we where invited to take part in the “Jahrestagung”, the annual meeting of the German section, in Siegen, Germany. Some members of our section are going there every year.

Members of the Dutch Language Section publish a lot in relation to the legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Their efforts you can find on this website: Dutch literature about Bonhoeffer.  This website is visited about 45-50 timers per day. 30% of the visitors come from abroad.


The aim of the society is:

1. To stimulate the research of the legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in connexion with the historic               constellation in wich it arose.

2. To draw the development of Bonhoeffers thinking.

3. To show the importance of Bonhoeffer’s theology for us in our time.

    The Dutch Language Section gathers two times a year (march and november) in Utrecht.

    There are lectures and discussions, exchange of literature et cetera.


English language articles and lectures



The executive committee:


Chairman: Prof. dr. E. van ‘t Slot ( 031-38 2000143)

Secretary: drs. J.C. Buurmeester ( 031-10-4751200)

Treasurer: Mr. K .de Dreu ( 031-58-2801387

For questions and suggestions about the website you can contact

For further information in English we recommend the English Language Section


English Intro Page

International Bonhoeffer


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