Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Theoloog - Christen - Tijdgenoot
English language articles and lectures

Bonhoeffer and Maritain, by Ary Braakman. A lecture on The 9th  International Bonhoeffer Congress 2004

Saint Bonhoeffer? Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Paradox of Sainthood; by Frits de Lange

Deep Economy: Caring for Ecology, Humanity and Religion; by Hans Dirk van Hoogstraten

Waiting for the Word: The Churches Embarassment in Speaking about God; by Frits de Lange

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Endurance:An Examination of One Christian’s Persistence in the Face of Evil and Injustice
A summary of the dissertation of Annette Kay Mosher

The Political Relevance of Bonhoeffer by Hans Buurmeester. A lecture on The 11th International Bonhoeffer
                                                              Congres in Sigtuna (Sweden), 2012

“Acting responsibly in the global marketplace. The relevance of Dietrich Bonhoeffers's ethics for entrepreneurs in international value chains"  in Stellenbosch Theological Journal Vol. 9, No.4
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